The Structure of Government in the National Socialist State by Harold Covington

The Structure of Government in the National Socialist State
One of the main methods used by the enemies of Aryan man to obscure the true nature of National Socialism is the canard that in reality there is no such thing. “There is no Nazi philosophy,” the kosher pundits tell us, other than what they refer to as “arrogance and race hatred,” this being their term for the National Socialist ’ s profound love of his people. This fairy tale carries over into the “official” interpretation of National Socialist government. In reality, assert the Hebraic historians, there was never any National Socialist government in the Third Reich— it was all simply a totalitarian, one-man show run by the Fiend Incarnate, Adolf Hitler.
The serious student of the Movement will, of course, recognize the old ploy and disregard it. But the fact remains that the Hitler-dictator lie has been firmly planted in the minds of countless millions of Whites the world over. Like the 6 million holocaust hoax, it will be one of the most difficult and pernicious of Jewish distortions to clear up. Perhaps the best way to counter this myth of the missing ideology is to define the nature of National Socialist government— to give it tangible form and a visible structure, and to pinpoint the principles on which National Socialism bases governance.
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