Country wisdom and knowhow – A practical guide to living off the land
This book is the most thorough and reliable volume of its kind. Organized by general topic including animals, cooking, crafts,...
This book is the most thorough and reliable volume of its kind. Organized by general topic including animals, cooking, crafts,...
An appeal to the United States Congress, written pseudonymously in 1913, defending agrianism and explaining why the United States did...
When sheep are added to other farming enterprises, it may be advisable, from a mana-gerial standpoint, to lamb when labor...
This book contains the humorous narrative of two city folk romanticizing about the idyllic life of running their own farm....
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Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience...
Creating a Forest Garden - Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops by Martin Crawford A forest garden is a...
A Long Term Survival Guide, Survival Cabins - Dick Proenneke "I have found that some of the simplest things have...