Phases One and Two – a closer look

There can be little doubt that the US will eventually undergo a Soviet-style breakdown of centralized power, and lose the ability to enforce its will throughout the continent.
This will transmute into direct action to free our Homeland from the iron heel of the federal government. Again, for the first few years we need to concentrate on Phases One and Two, on getting our people in and then hanging on in the face of intense local and governmental opposition. These first two phases are going to be taking up the bulk of our efforts for a long time. We must learn to walk before we can run.
One of the main things we will need to concentrate on is creating an economic infrastructure that will eventually enable us to employ our own people and free them from the now ubiquitous danger of establishment retaliation through loss of their jobs. Bear in mind that we are engaged in something that our ancestors understood and did superbly: we are nation-building.
We must utilize our human resources to the max. One of the things our forebears had to understand in order to survive was economic self-sufficiency. Remember the gentleman adventurers who first came to Jamestown and damned near starved to death because they would not work and searched for gold instead of farming and hunting and building shelter? We must be able to support ourselves in the face of pressure from the local ZOG that will be almost as intense, in its way, as that the Indians put on the first settlers.
By economic self sufficiency, we mean the actual production of wealth or essential goods and services. Economic self-sufficiency does not mean pyramid schemes or marginal business franchises or the assorted get-rich-quick deals that flourish in the right wing. It means bona fide skills and resources to provide real goods and services. One of the major investments our new Northwest community must make is in vocational training for young White people. Every young White man and woman must possess a marketable skill, so that they can survive on their own. A new nation does not just need soldiers or political agitators. A new nation requires farmers, engineers, doctors, architects, electricians, road builders and heavy equipment operators, construction trades, food processing and packaging skills, teachers, and manufacturers.
We must bring to the Northwest serious, adult men and women who are coming to build a new nation, not drink beer and scream “White Power!” and show off their tattoos. Young people especially who are contemplating the Homeland must be encouraged to stay in school and learn an economically viable trade, so that when they immigrate to the Northwest they don’t just say, “Hi, I am a White racist.” They must be able walk into a community and say, “Hello, my name is Joe, and I am a computer software designer, or a skilled auto mechanic, or a master electrician, or a nurse, or I can fix your copy machine, or I can fly your helicopter, or I can bake bread …”