Back To Basics RFN-Clips George Lincoln Rockwell (March 9, 1918 – August 25, 1967) 03/10/2023 If a man is to be honored for making cigars or building bridges or making beer, as our great businessmen are, then surely we ought to honor those who make our people! But the trouble is that our insane ‘liberal’ attitude toward motherhood and homemaking has given women an impossible inferiority complex and frustration about their possible and real achievements in life. We train our girls by the millions to be anything but successful wives and mothers, lead them to believe they are to be an ‘equal’ part of a ‘man’s world’, when the truth is that it is only Nature’s world, and man’s share in it is no greater or more glorious than that of a female-oriented woman who produces, brings up and gives to society a family of happy people. – THIS TIME THE WORLD Fable of the Ducks & the Hens by George Lincoln Rockwell (read by Edgar J. Steele) Collected Works – George Lincoln Rockwell George Lincoln Rockwell Speech – RFN Mar. 12, 2022 #541 This Time The World – George Lincoln Rockwell White Power Continue Reading Previous The Iron Dream and a clearer version of RFN episode one with a transcriptNext The great replacement is not a theory, it has been going on for hundreds of years while voters and patriots do nothing. More Getting It Done RFN-Clips Aryan History: The True Braveheart of Scotland 07/17/2024 Back To Basics RFN-Clips Our primary concern is the survival of our race 07/15/2024 Back To Basics Getting It Done RFN-Clips Hay I’ve seen this one! 07/14/2024