History of Scottish Medicine
There are good reasons why Scottish medicine deserves a history. Scots physicians and surgeons feature prominently in the history of...
There are good reasons why Scottish medicine deserves a history. Scots physicians and surgeons feature prominently in the history of...
Pre-op and post-op checklists are an important communication tool used within private surgical practices for each patient having an upcoming procedure....
I believe my job as a physician is to find and classify each disease of my patient, prescribe the proper...
Not only useful in the medical therapeutic industry but also useful in operational circumstances. Download here.
Most people know someone who has passed down their favorite natural or herbal remedy to cure or treat certain ailments,...
Download here.
Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard (generally believed to be a pen name of Arthur Desmond) This book is a reasoned...
Hybrid warfare is a theory of military strategy, first proposed by Frank Hoffman, which employs political warfare and blends conventional...
When sheep are added to other farming enterprises, it may be advisable, from a mana-gerial standpoint, to lamb when labor...
This book contains the humorous narrative of two city folk romanticizing about the idyllic life of running their own farm....