The Butler Plan

The Butler Plan: The Homeland
The proposed White Homeland consists of a core territory of three complete Northwest American states and part of a fourth, specifically Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana west of Interstate 15. At various times in the past, other parts of the Northwest have been suggested as potentially forming part of the Homeland. These include the northern third of California above Redding, the state of Wyoming, all or part of the state of Alaska, and the present Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. There is an independence movement in Alaska, but it is kosher conservative and capitalist in nature and thus useless as a vehicle for racial survival. A separatist movement with a distinct racial tinge to it already exists in Western Canada, but seems to be moribund.
This document will proceed on the basis only of the core U.S. states within which we must concentrate our initial resettlement efforts. Depending on the geopolitical and strategic situation, when the time comes to make a bid for freedom, it would certainly be advisable to liberate as much territory as possible. Like a newlywed couple with big plans for the future, we need to build our house large and with many rooms, that we may fill it with children.
Here is a brief sketch of these three and a half states that will constitute the territory of the Northwest Homeland:
Land area 83,574 square miles, population 1,900,923 (2020 census). In 2020, 81% of the people were classified as non-Hispanic White. The overwhelming percentage of the population of Idaho is still White and the non-Whites are concentrated mostly in Boise and a few other larger towns. Major industries are agriculture, timber, cattle, tourism, and some high-tech in the Boise area. Not much mining any more, but some gold and phosphates. Manufacturing consists of computer and electronic products, processing and packing food products, wood and fabricated metal, and various other smaller sectors.
Montana west of I-15
The area of Montana west of Interstate Highway 15 includes all or most of the following counties: Beaverhead, Cascade, Deer Lodge, Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Pondera, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders, Silver Bow, Teton, and Toole. The total area of these 18 counties is 45,195 square miles. The Census Bureau estimated these counties’ 2019 population to be 579,282, of whom 87.1 percent are non-Hispanic White. All the counties are over 85 percent non-Hispanic White except three with large Indian populations: Glacier (64.7 percent Indian); Lake (24.6 percent); and Pondera (14.7 percent).
Land area 97,131 square miles, population (2020 census) 4,246,155. In 2020, 75% of the people were classified as non-Hispanic White. Major industries are timber and the manufacture of various wood products; also the manufacture of computer equipment and a big financial sector; banks and insurance companies are some of the state’s major employers. There is a lot of dairy farming. Portland is a major urban area with all the multifarious problems and advantages that entails in modern day America, yet it is still the Whitest big city in America and a very nice place to live.
Land area 70,637 square miles. Population (2006 estimate) 6,395,798. Under the 2000 census 88.64 percent were classified as White by government statisticians. (Same caveat as above.) Much of the size-population disparity as opposed to the other two primary states is accounted for by the Seattle megalopolis (that includes Tacoma and Olympia to the south). Seattle is the gateway for a massive influx of Chinese and other Asians into the Northwest; the 2006 estimates are already hopelessly out of date and there is no accurate information available on the present Asian population of Washington, save that it is growing. The Asians are quite open about their own plan for seizing the Northwest through massive immigration and making it part of the Pacific Rim. In the case of Vancouver, B.C., they have already succeeded in transforming this once White city into a Chinese ant heap. Major industries in Washington are cattle ranching, timber, wood and paper and pulp products, some mining, and an immense amount of yuppie-style high tech in the Seattle area centered on the Boeing aircraft plant and the Microsoft computer empire.
Homeland Totals
The total area of the proposed White homeland is 298,507 square miles. This is an area larger than metropolitan France, Germany, and Italy combined, or Spain and the United Kingdom combined, but with a fraction of the population. The total population of the homeland in 2019 was about 14,199,000, of whom 72.3 percent or about 10,271,000 are non-Hispanic White. Although more populous than Austria, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, or each of the Scandinavian countries, the homeland has a population density that is much smaller than any country in Europe (e.g., Germany is about 600 persons per square mile). At less than 50 persons per square mile, our White homeland has plenty of living space to fill with White children.
No other similar-sized section of the United States has such a large White population together with a relatively small non-white population and includes territory with great geographic and economic advantages. New England is too small and too close to the Middle Atlantic states. The Southeast has too many blacks. The Midwest is landlocked. And the Southwest has too many Hispanics. That’s a lot of territory for a political movement to cover, but it is infinitely smaller and more do-able than trying somehow to take over the immense expanse of the entire United States and/or Canada. Once the non-White population of the major metropolitan areas is subtracted, especially Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia and Portland, as well as a few specific and containable “brown spots” such as Yakima, where labor-intensive industry has attracted a heavy Hispanic influx, we are for all practical purposes dealing with an all-White territory, one of the few remaining in the world.
Let’s ballpark it at twelve million Whites, give or take, plus a rather younger median age (38) of population than you’ll find elsewhere on the continent (58), which is very important. The White population of Florida and Arizona, for example, is overwhelmingly geriatric. Twelve million in the Homeland is a lot of people, but with smart propaganda work by an active and fanatically dedicated minority, enough of them can be convinced to join us to provide local bases for incoming settlement. Contrast that to trying to work around a population of almost 300 million people, in many places majority non-White, on a continent this size, wherein we are totally and utterly powerless and scattered to the four winds.
This is the primary advantage to the Northwest concept: reducing the problem to manageable proportions, to something solvable, cutting back the goal to one which is attainable. For almost seventy years, we have harbored a bizarre collective illusion that through some unfathomable means which no one ever seems able to explain, we will somehow win back the whole North American continent all at once and cause millions of non-Whites simply to vanish in a puff of smoke, without any effort, and certainly without the mass bloodshed such a project would in fact involve.
The Pacific Northwest is relatively far from the power centers in New York City and Washington, D.C. and is not surrounded by the rest of the United States, but has a long Pacific coastline and borders on Canada. The region is also large and resource-rich enough to aspire to economic self-sufficiency, a necessity for a White homeland that would likely face the same sort of political and economic sanctions as Rhodesia and South Africa did before they fell to black rule. The proposed White homeland is a diverse geographic region that is dominated by several mountain ranges with vast forests, mighty rivers, fertile soil, and numerous seaports. The natural beauty of the region is unmatched and the climate is temperate. Natural resources are abundant. Agriculture, forestry, mining, and commercial fishing are major industries.
The energy landscape is favorable to the development of renewable energy systems. The region is the leading producer of hydro-electric power in the United States. There is also significant potential for wind power and geothermal power in the geologically active mountain areas. The proposed White homeland has a first-rate economy. In 2019, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana was $1.021 trillion. If a sovereign nationstate, the homeland would rank seventeenth in GDP among all the countries in the world. Critical manufacturing industries in the region include aircraft and missiles, shipbuilding, metals and metal products, chemical products, lumber and wood products, paper products, electronics, machinery, food processing, biotechnology, and computer software development. There is an extensive transportation system of highways, railroads, airports, and ports throughout the homeland.
We say again: the Northwest Imperative reduces the racial crisis to manageable proportions. The only alternative is the present status quo, i.e. sitting at our computers pecking on keyboards, and once in a blue moon wandering out in public holding a sign and letting ourselves be pelted with garbage by scum. The present status quo means racial death, and things have reached the point where any effort to preserve the present Movement status quo is tantamount to racial treason.
The Butler Plan: The Four Phases
The Butler Plan consists of four broad aspects or phases involving the creation, the buildup, and the operation of the Northwest Front. These phases are not nailed to any given time frame so much as they entail a specific kind of activity and an agenda of goals or benchmarks to be achieved. All four phases will be simultaneously ongoing in the various Party units around the Homeland, and at any given time the NF will be involved with issues relating to any or all of these phases. There will be a lot of overlap. That being said, they must be undertaken in their specific order and not skipped over out of impatience or laziness.
Phase One: The Creation of Communities and Units Relocation of as much of the existing racially responsible White community in North America as possible to the Pacific Northwest, through planned and assisted migration.
What Is A Community? The NF defines a White Nationalist community in the Homeland as any area with a minimum of twelve (12) non-dysfunctional adult White Nationalists, living within half an hour’s drive of one another, who are aware of each other’s existence and who regularly meet and interact personally, not just on the internet. Nationalist communities will eventually serve as the foundation for everything the NF does. They will be accomplished to some degree through local recruiting within the Homeland, but primarily through the relocation of the better elements of the existing racially conscious White population to the Pacific Northwest. Community-building will be an ongoing project from this point on and will continue even after political independence is achieved. It will be the primary function of the Homeland to be just that, a homeland and refuge for all the persecuted and endangered Aryan peoples of the world from Afrikaners to Serbs to Ulstermen. Racially responsible White immigrants coming into the Homeland will hereafter be referred to as Pioneers, to differentiate them from native-born Northwesterners and organic migrants.
What Is A Unit? A Northwest Front unit is a group of at least three (3) non-dysfunctional adult White Nationalists who are resident in the Homeland, who live within half an hour’s drive from one another, and who act in concert to achieve the goals of the Party and bring the Republic into existence. Units are organized in the “Trouble Trio” format detailed later on in this manual.
What Is A Contact? A Northwest Front contact is a single individual, resident within the Homeland, who agrees to allow his or her name and contact information to be distributed to interested parties. The contact agrees to assist incoming settlers relocating into their area of the Northwest, and also engages in political and other activities on behalf of the Party to bring the Republic into existence. A contact will be tasked with Welcome Wagon duties, including meeting with prospective migrants in their local areas on scouting trips or after relocation (first having done their due diligence) and interviewing the prospect and performing a form of background check on them. They will then feel the prospect out, looking for mental and functional defects that may render the prospect “more trouble than they are worth” before allowing that prospect to meet with other Pioneers or Natives associated with the Party.
Making Your Own Migration
As a practical matter, White people who Come Home to the Northwest must do so like the old Western pioneers, completely off their own bat and on their own dime (this may change in the future but it shouldn’t be counted on). They must work and save their money for the move. They must load up all of their worldly goods into a Conestoga wagon (or these days a U-Haul truck) and set off into the unknown. Consider it a test of character and moral fitness.
It is highly recommended that prospective White migrants to the Northwest make at least one preliminary visit or scouting trip to the Homeland before they make the permanent move, specifically a visit to their proposed area of settlement. Prospective migrants must get a look at us and we must get a look at them. It must be an ironclad rule of Northwest Migration that no one simply packs up all their worldly goods into a U-Haul and heads in a general northwesterly direction, showing up on someone’s doorstep with nothing but a T-shirt and ten dollars in their pocket. Early pioneers who tried that kind of thing usually came to grief. Ask the survivors of the Donner Party.
Every effort must be made to ensure that prospective migrants are running to something, not running away from something. Prospective migrants, especially families, need to have jobs and accommodation lined up beforehand if at all possible, and they need to arrive with sufficient assets so they can immediately establish themselves in their new communities. This project, in short, must be implemented by and for responsible adults who know what they are doing, who know why, and who are involved in the Migration because they want to put something into it, not get something out of it. The proposed Northwest Agency will assist these responsible adults with that process.
For many years the only strategy for resettlement in the Northwest was basically “come to Hayden Lake and flop down in Pastor Butler’s bunkhouse out back.” Over the years this did result in (kind of) a community of White Nationalists and Christian Identity types gathering in one area, the Coeur d’Alene/Hayden Lake/Sandpoint district of north Idaho. This plan, or anything like it, is fatally flawed.
First, mirroring one of the bogus nay-says put forward by dishonest detractors, who for unaccountable reasons of their own want White people to continue to do nothing at all, it really does allow the dictatorship to concentrate their resources against us in a relatively small killing field of one town or county.
Secondly, the population in remote rural areas is so sparse that newcomers stand out and can easily be identified and targeted by the enemy. Especially at the beginning, we need to be able to melt into the population and become indistinguishable from the locals.
In addition to these considerations, metropolitan areas contain more racial diversity and it will be far easier to work with the local native-born White population when there are minorities and the problems minorities bring, to point out as examples.
Northwest Migration does not mean running away into the north woods and hiding from the government in a log cabin. We are Coming Home to confront the racial enemy, not to escape or evade him. Any such attempt is pointless. Ask Randy Weaver how well running off into the woods and trying to hide worked out for him. No one is allowed unilaterally to secede or opt out of the System. If you attempt to do so, you will be dragged back into the System by force using armed men in black body armor, like the Weavers and David Koresh and the Montana Freemen and the Texas Mormon fundamentalists were.
We seek to build a new nation. The realities of 21st century life dictate that our movement be based where the White people are, in the Northwest. That realistically means about two dozen metropolitan areas ranging from megalopolises to medium-sized towns. Eventually the Northwest racial community can establish facilities in the countryside. Indeed, we must familiarize ourselves with the rural Northwest and be comfortable in it, but we will not make a revolution from cabins in the deep forest.
On a preliminary basis, due to economic and geographic factors, the following areas within the Homeland need to be targeted for the establishment of the first racial nationalist communities. Jobs are reasonably plentiful for those with skills, and these initial colonies are spaced sufficiently close to one another to create a chain wherein racially responsible Whites in each area can offer one another some kind of material and logistic support system. There should be a Nationalist presence in every state capital, so we can have someone on the ground to keep up with state government’s attempts to suppress the NF and drive us out. These will be our initial dots to connect.
Idaho: Settlement should concentrate in Coeur d’Alene, Boise, Pocatello, Post Falls, Nampa. As has been mentioned before, there is already a small existing community in the area of Sandpoint, Hayden Lake, and Coeur d’Alene, but we need to expand beyond there to the rest of the state.
Oregon: Portland, Salem, Eugene, Medford, Bend, Corvallis. The eastern part of Oregon is very sparsely populated and economically stagnant and will be one of the last areas we get into. Portland itself is frankly just as racially toxic as any other American city, including chapters of most major Los Angeles gangs and a pampered group of about 300 Antifa communists, and so migrants should concentrate on the White suburbs of these urban areas.
Washington: Spokane, Bellingham, Vancouver, and the working class suburbs ringing Seattle, to include Tacoma, Olympia, and the Olympic Peninsula. Based on experience, it is suggested that the Seattle “ring” consist of small groups of people in blue collar areas where White racial consciousness may be found. This also applies to eastern Washington outside the Spokane area, except for the small college town of Pullman and what is known as the “Tri-Cities” around Kennewick. There should also be a concentration around the military complex Joint Base Lewis/McChord.
Montana: Kalispell, Butte, Helena at the eastern edge of the Homeland and Missoula. Be aware that Kalispell has a large White Nationalist population already, so if you are looking to network this is a good place to be (it was in fact due to the efforts or one woman in Kalispell that Western Montana was added to the proposed Homeland from the original tri-state area) and conversely Missoula is a university town and so is just as liberal and multicultural loving as Portland or Seattle. Butte is also a very liberal town and economically depressed (a rare combination).
Phase Two: Political and Propaganda Activity In The Homeland Serious mass propaganda and educational work among the native, Northwest-born White population, and also among organic migrants who are racially motivated but not fully racially aware, using teams of racial migrants as the movement’s initial activity units.
The Northwest Front must engage in massive, serious propaganda and missionary work in the Homeland itself, among native Northwesterners and organic migrants. We have to win local White people to our side, not fight them or antagonize them with strange behavior or appearance on our part. Local Whites are not the enemy, however cruelly brainwashed they may have been. How we handle relations with the native-born Whites will determine whether or not this entire effort succeeds.
We must always bear in mind that precisely because they have grown up in a more or less all-White environment, the native-born Northwesterners by and large do not understand what multiculturalism and diversity means for them in the long run. They honestly don’t get it, but thanks to the summer riots of 2020 and 2021, they are starting to and we must conduct the most massive public relations and propaganda effort in Movement history using every tool we have from web sites to participation in the local 4-H Club. We must let them know that we do not hate them, we are not conspiring against them, and we are their brothers and we will not allow them or ourselves to be victimized or run out of town. Through units and spokespeople we must seize on local issues and local concerns to make them understand that independence and freedom for the Northwest is in their interest as well as ours.
Above all, we ourselves must not engage in bizarre and dysfunctional behaviors, or display any outward physical appearance that will allow the established order to portray us to the native-born as “the Other.” The shaven heads and the tattoos and the petty hooliganism of the Skinhead scene are non-starters. The local people where we settle must understand that we are doing this for them and we are people like themselves, not “the Other” whom it is socially acceptable to stone; at the same time they must understand that we are here, we are here to stay, that more of us are coming, and that we will not be stopped—that White freedom is inevitable and in their best interest.
Military Recruiting
While it is true that most native Northwesterners do not have enough daily exposure to multiculturalism to understand its real implications, the absolute horror show perpetrated by the Antifa communists in Portland and Seattle has moved very large segments of the population to something close to our way of thinking. One particular demographic that is ready to start hearing our message is active duty, reserve, and retired military personnel. Military members are forced to work within a structure that is appallingly non-White and which has suffered under two full generations of affirmative action. They get it. Many also have valuable skill sets. Similarly, local police officers (not federal law enforcement) spend day after day having their noses rubbed in black/brown crime and are forced to display their allegiance to it. They are ripe for our call of racial separatism.
Military recruiting should always be carried out carefully and with strict confidentiality; association with or membership in “radical” groups is strictly forbidden by military regulations and military personnel who are detected in any such association are liable to summary discharge. Mr. Covington himself was discharged from the United States Army for membership in the old National Socialist White People’s Party. Today White men kicked out of the military for “racism” will get some kind of discharge that will get them blacklisted from employment and followed around by the secret police as a so-called “terrorist” for the rest of their lives.
No Display Or Brandishing Of Firearms
The Northwest novels of Harold Covington are fiction. In real life the political and racial situation in the Northwest will almost certainly develop differently. There must never under any circumstances be any excessive display or emphasis on guns or weaponry as far as the NF’s public and political activity goes, especially in the presence of the media. “Old hands” will remember the catastrophic precedent set by the doomed White Patriot Party of Frazier Glenn Miller, who managed to get ADL-drafted “paramilitary training laws” passed in many states because they let reporters onto their property to film them waving weapons around in the air. Those of us who are gun enthusiasts should absolutely join local NRA-type clubs and work within the local Second Amendment community, but there must be no waving of guns in the air for the TV cameras or social media.
The public brandishing of firearms, especially if accompanied by racial or revolutionary rhetoric, does not impress people, it upsets and frightens people. It upsets the local inhabitants who feel they have been invaded by dangerous crazies, and more importantly it upsets and frightens politicians, courts, police, and media, all of whom have a far better and more realistic awareness of just how vulnerable liberal democratic society is in America than the majority of White people do. Always bear this in mind: our enemies have a far more realistic appreciation of the danger the Northwest Front poses to the established power structure than we ourselves do. We don’t realize how potentially strong and powerful we are and how vulnerable they are. They do. Upsetting people who have the power to do us harm in these early stages, when we are weak and vulnerable, is foolish and potentially lethal. Don’t do it. Don’t show your butts and make sure you blend in. Don’t let your ego and your pride sabotage your aims.
A firearm has only one use and that is to shoot. A firearm that is not shooting is just a piece of machined metal. If we are not going to fire our weapons at the enemy, and for any foreseeable future we are not, then we need to keep them in the closet until such time as we have the courage, the discipline, the dedication, and the strength of will to use them for their intended purpose. When we do bring out the guns, we will do so for the purpose of using them, not flourishing them aloft so we can look cool on TV or the internet. This will be a revolution, not a reality show or a blog post.
Organic Migrants
We will experience more difficulty in interacting with organic migrants than with the native-born Northwesters. By the term “organic migrants” we refer to Whites from other parts of the country who have recently relocated to the Northwest for pretty much the same racial reasons that we have, but who are still inhibited by a lifetime of social conditioning and partially brainwashed by democracy, and who would cut off their own bodily organs rather than admit to this fact in public. Many White people in the Northwest will have come from California, the first state to become majority non-White. They left to find a Whiter, brighter world, but every cultural and economic survival skill they possess will urge them never to admit to their own racial motivations, and many of them will attack and reject us in order to keep from being accused of being evil racists themselves. It is in their very blood to avoid being perceived as different from the herd and thus singled out as prey by the System.
Organic migrants can usually be spotted through the use of code words like clean air, good schools, low taxes, less crime, a stable environment, “a good place to raise kids”— in short, all the various concealed terms used to mean “no niggers or spics.” Organic migrants are often liberal élitists who want to have their cake and eat it too, but who have been forced to act in the real world with racial reality and are now struggling to build a politically correct and acceptable rationalization for their reluctance to live in the multi-racial paradise they helped create in their own cities elsewhere. Liberals make messes, then run away and leave them for others to clean up, the state of California being Exhibit A here.
The organic migrants will become approachable when they realize that the mudflow has followed them from California or wherever, and if they do not resist they will be forced into flight again. But flee to where? The Arctic? Australia? Patagonia? Native-born White people will become approachable as they themselves start getting a taste of diversity and political correctness, especially through encroaching affirmative action and sodomy. John Wayne wannabes with Amurrican flags on their baseballs caps will become much more approachable when they lose their jobs or promotions to unqualified minorities. When liberal mothers and fathers in Idaho and Washington see their little girl being groomed by sodomite men in dresses and Halloween makeup and their little boy coming home with bruises where he has been beaten by blacks or mestizos, they will begin to catch on real quick. The organic migrants are in fact quite likely to have assets and skills that we will very badly need in the creation of our new country. They are a potential base for converts.
We must understand clearly that the White population of these states are not enemies; they are our challenge. For the first few years there will not be enough incoming settlers to make that much difference to the political or the demographic situation. We either win a sufficiently large percentage of those twelve million Whites to our side to become viable and secure in our settlement program, or we will fail and our race will perish. Three hundred million people, almost half of them non-White, we will never win over. Twelve million people, sharing our blood if not our views and our experience? There, we’ve got a chance.
Phase Three: A Northwest Independence Movement The creation of a legal political movement for Northwest independence, if this option is still open by the time we are in a position to do so. This will involve the bringing into being of a disciplined, fighting revolutionary Party.
This is self-explanatory. This is not an area of the manual where we can hold your hand and walk you through it, since it will depend on events which have not yet occurred and factors which have not yet come into play. To a large degree it will have to be played by ear, once we get some boots on the ground.
You need to understand that a revolution is like a symphony, each one a unique blend of instruments and notes and tones and tempo and passion, and that what this manual is attempting to do is describe in printed words a symphony not yet written that will be played on the world stage in the thunderous chords and themes of history and blood. This manual is a crude attempt at a program for that majestic symphonic performance to come, but that’s all it can ever be.
The Revolutionary Tripod
A revolution cannot succeed in the absence of the Revolutionary Tripod, the three conditions without which true change cannot take place:
1. There must be a bona fide revolutionary movement, devoted to seizing state power directly from the hands of the existing power structure. Not conservative, not reformist, not willing to work within the existing system, but dedicated to its removal.
2. There must be withdrawal of the consent of the governed, wherein a majority of the people in a territory no longer wishes to be ruled by the existing power structure and desires change. Not just any change, but specifically that power be assumed by the revolutionary movement, in this case the NF.
3. There must be loss of the credible monopoly of armed force by the state. Acts of civil disobedience, sabotage, insurrection and guerrilla warfare must take place. Serious physical damage must be inflicted on the power structure, and no one must be caught or punished for these acts. This forces the occupying power into repression and acts of atrocity and retaliation against the general population, in their frustration at being unable to locate and apprehend the real guerrillas.
The long-term goal is to present the government with a situation wherein the struggle to retain the Northwest becomes politically and financially insupportable, and from the régime’s point of view, letting the Homeland go will be seen as the lesser of two evils. This is the way in which all colonial wars are won. The racial struggle should manifest itself in the form of a colonial war, a scenario where writing off X amount of territory is an option for the occupying power, should it become expedient. It is impossible for us to imagine such a situation at this time, given the apparently ironclad, permanent grip that the federal government of the United States and the consumer culture it rules exerts on all aspects of our lives. But we are not talking about doing anything within the context of the present day. We are talking about the future, when a Soviet-style break-up of the United States into separate racial, ethnic, and special interest groups is historically bound to occur. Nothing lasts forever. The current world order of liberal democracy will not last forever, either.
People such as FBI agents, the police, and the military are crucial to our cause, if only in a negative way, in the form of their paychecks. When those paychecks stop coming, and the System can no longer pay its muscle to back them up and keep them in power, that’s a window of opportunity. During the last years of the Soviet Union, Red Army soldiers in Eastern Europe were foraging in dumpsters for food and selling their weapons for a bit of cash. That situation will likely happen here. The day will come when FBI Agent Joe Buzzcut sticks his card in the ATM machine on the first of one month and finds that his direct deposit didn’t direct-deposit, and at work he gets an envelope on his desk containing not a pay stub, but an excuse. His lords and masters in Washington, D.C. will appeal to him in the name of the good old red, white, and blue to continue arresting, torturing, spying, perjuring, and murdering for free—and then the next month, he still gets no direct deposit, just another excuse.
The Establishment’s police and other muscle men are mercenaries and they will not work for free. Once they are no longer being paid, or when they are being paid in inflated Federal Reserve notes that are worth less than toilet paper and will buy nothing, then that’s when the iron will be hot. We must prepare for that time, when all of this is more than just paper fantasy, when the political and economic realities make our movement a possibility, if we are ready to seize it. It will take many years and require a big assist from economic and political developments within the New World Order to create this revolutionary tripod in the Pacific Northwest. But it will happen eventually. We need to have the Northwest Front slim and trim and ready to step in and provide for our White brothers and sisters.
Phase Four: Building Our Own Economy The creation of an economic, social, and organizational infrastructure that will be capable of assuming political command of the Pacific Northwest in the event of a Soviet- style collapse of the central government of the United States.
One of the main things we will need to concentrate on is creating an economic infrastructure that will eventually enable us to employ our own people, and free them from the now ubiquitous danger of establishment retaliation through loss of their jobs. Bear in mind that we are engaged in something that our ancestors understood and did superbly: we are nation-building, and there is a hell of a lot more to nation-building than complaining on the internet and begging the bad men to stop being bad men.
We must utilize our human resources to the max. One of the things our forebears had to understand in order to survive was economic self-sufficiency. Remember the gentleman adventurers who first came to Jamestown and damned near starved to death because they would not work, and searched for gold instead of farming and hunting and building shelter? We must be able to support ourselves in the face of pressure from the local ZOG that will be just as intense, in its way, as that the Indians put on the first settlers.
By economic self-sufficiency, we mean the actual production of wealth or essential goods and services. Economic self-sufficiency does not mean pyramid schemes or marginal business franchises or the assorted get-rich-quick deals that flourish in the right wing, most of which are simply scams to try and get at old people’s savings. It means bona fide skills and resources to provide real goods and services that other people will actually pay money for.
One of the major investments our new Northwest community must make is in vocational training for young White people. Every young White man and woman must possess a marketable skill, so that they can survive on their own. A new nation does not just need political soldiers or agitators. A new nation requires farmers, engineers, doctors, architects, electricians, road builders and heavy equipment operators, construction trades, food processing and packaging skills, teachers, and manufacturers.
We must bring to the Northwest serious, adult men and women who are coming to build a new nation, not drink beer and scream “White Power!” and show off their tattoos. Young people especially who are contemplating the Homeland must be encouraged to stay in school and learn an economically viable trade, so that when they immigrate to the Northwest they have more to say for themselves than, “Hi, I am a racist.” They must be able to walk into a Northwest community and say, “Hello, my name is Joe and I am a computer software designer, or a skilled auto mechanic, or a master electrician, or a nurse, or I can fly your helicopter, or I can bake bread…”
Another thing we need to develop in the Northwest Republic prior to independence is a kind of internal economy within the Party itself, to facilitate our people’s financial autonomy from the usurious jewish system and subsequently render them far less susceptible to retaliation for their dissent.
The Seizure of State Power
There can be little doubt that the United States will eventually undergo a Soviet-style breakdown of centralized power. The present régime will lose the ability to enforce its will throughout the continent. This will transmute into an opportunity to free our Homeland from the iron heel of the federal government. For the first few years we need to concentrate on Phases One and Two, on getting our people in and then hanging on in the face of intense local and governmental opposition. These first two phases are going to be taking up the bulk of our efforts for a long time. We must learn to walk before we can run.
The National Convention
It is a mistake to base a 21st century political strategy on anything from the 19th or 20th centuries, but a few limited parallels are germane. The pattern from our people’s historical past which appears most applicable to the result the NF wishes to see is the Irish model from 1916-1923. The most important step during Phase Four will be the creation, not of the NVA, but of the National Convention as described in the draft Northwest Constitution.
This was the first step in Ireland during the 1916-1923 War of Independence—the institution of Dáil Éireann, the Irish parliament that is the official legislature in the Irish Republic to this day. Dáil Éireann was created in 1918, while Ireland was still part of the British Empire, and for the first few years of its existence it was an illegal shadow government which had to meet in cow barns and the back rooms of pubs and out in the woods and mountains by the light of the moon. The first speaker of the Daìl was Éamon De Valera, who later became prime minister and then President of Ireland, but who was then a guerrilla leader on the run from the authorities, with a price on his head.
This strategy worked a hundred years ago and a modern variation on the same template will work for us today if we can acquire some guts, get a few brain cells to rub together, and then combine the two. Once we have a sufficient number of Class A people so that we can form a shadow government for the Northwest Republic, we must establish the National Convention in some kind of founding gesture. This is where we can use all these intellectual racists with college degrees papering their walls. That is, if they can raise a few hairs on their testicles.
Whoever ends up becoming involved in the formation of that shadow government for the new Northwest Republic, from that point on, our official line must be that the National Convention is the legal authority in the Northwest and not the American occupation régime or any of the state and local governments. It would not be prudent to appoint any interim State President for the NAR until the Republic is established and an actual election can be held; authority, at least moral authority, will have to reside in the Speaker of the Convention and in a council of Ministers of State who will become a Cabinet once independence is attained. The Republic comes into being with the Convention, just like on July 4th 1776 America came into being with the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress.
The Name
The name of the new Homeland of our Folk shall be Northwest American Republic (NAR). The esoteric racial term “Aryan” should be avoided, because it causes confusion among the uninitiated, and winning over the uninitiated is how we are going to win.
With Americans, it is never a good idea to confront them with a word, a concept, a symbol, or anything that one has to stop and explain, especially if it carries baggage. If you stop and try to explain something to Americans that they have no frame of reference for, and nothing in their background which let’s whatever it is resonate with their lives and experience, you’ll lose them. Rather than strive to take in and understand something new, Americans will simply “change the channel,” which is what they have been conditioned to do when their short attention spans fail and they get bored. Americans have been taught to feel, never to think, and until we can gain state power and start freeing their minds and enabling them to analyze again, we have to fit our message to our audience.
For better or worse, the word “Aryan” is now associated in the minds of White Americans with an image of tattooed, shaven-headed punks who swill beer and wave assault rifles in the air and scream “White Power!” That is largely our own fault. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did and we have to live with it. The fact that this is untrue, and that White Americans are Aryans themselves, is beside the point. In politics, perception is everything. It is bad propaganda to confront people on their initial contact, with ideas, concepts, terms and symbols that require an immediate, long, complex and abstruse explanation. Americans don’t do complex or abstruse anymore. In fact, we’ve never been all that into deep thought. If Western civilization is a banquet of the mind and the soul, then Americans are the ones who bring bags of takeout to that banquet. This is why orthodox National Socialism has never worked in this country despite the fact that the NS world view is filled with profound truth and explains just about everything that needs explaining. Esoteric terms like Cascadia, Arya, etc. should be avoided as well. They sound foreign and odd, and we are going to have trouble enough overcoming our image problem as things stand.
The Flag of the Northwest American Republic
There is one idea we do need to begin propagating immediately among the population of the Northwest and that is the creation and general recognition of a flag for the coming Homeland. One of the few points where Mr. Covington, based upon his experience in Ireland, has made an arbitrary decision on the way things will be done is in the matter of the NAR flag. It is a simple, dignified tricolor design with no controversial symbols, or anything requiring more than the simplest symbolic explanation.
The Northwest Tricolor flag consists of three vertical bars of equal length, similar to the French, Irish, and Italian tricolors. Left to right, the bars are navy blue, pure white, and emerald green, with the blue bar to the flagstaff. They symbolize blue for the Northwest sky, green for the land, and white for the people who will dwell in between the two. (Horizontal bars were considered, and are in fact used on the left-wing “Cascadia” flag, but unfortunately not only our own lefty wing nut element but the African nation of Sierra Leone already uses that design.)
The flag of the new Northwest nation must become a symbol and a rallying point for the White race worldwide. It must be posted, displayed, distributed, and publicized the world over until it becomes known as the modern day equivalent of the Confederate Battle Flag and the Hakenkreuzfahne as a universally recognized symbol of White hope, courage, and determination in the face of racial death.
The Butler Plan: Summation
As always, this is not a question of if we can, but rather of if we will
Can we do this? Yes, of course we can. Will we do it? Yes. God will not allow us to allow our race to perish.
It is time to Come Home.