Pastor Richard Butler – Founder of the Butler plan. 2/23/1918 – 9/8/2004

Remembering Pastor Richard G. Butler.
February 23, 1918 – September 8, 2004
Pastor Butler was the founder of Aryan Nations, he was amazing man and had a way to bring people together from all across the movement.
Richard Butler was born in Denver, Colorado, to Winfred Girnt and Clarence Butler. His father was of English ancestry, while his mother was of German-English ancestry. He was raised in Los Angeles, California, and after graduating from high school in 1938, he became an aeronautical engineering major at Los Angeles City College. He was a co-inventor of the rapid repair of tubeless tires.
Butler was a member of the Silver Shirts, an American fascist organization modeled on the National Socialist Brownshirts, which was active until its suppression following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.[3]
While he was a member of a Presbyterian church, he married Betty Litch in 1941, with whom he fathered two daughters. Betty Butler passed away on December 1, 1995, after 54 years of marriage. After Pearl Harbor, Butler enlisted in the Army Air Corps where he served stateside for the duration of World War II.
In 1946, Pastor Butler organized and operated a machine plant for the production and precision machining of automotive parts and engine assemblies for commercial and military aircraft in the United States, Africa, and India. Pastor Butler was a marketing analyst for new inventions from 1964 to 1973. He later became a senior manufacturing engineer for Lockheed Martin in Palmdale, California.
In the 1960s, Pastor Butler lived in Whittier, California. He collaborated with Rev. William Potter Gale and Dr. Wesley Swift in the California Committee to Combat Communism. The three men later founded the Christian Defense League in 1964. Butler served as the organization’s executive director and ran the organization out of his Whittier home. Both organizations promoted white Racial message under the guidelines of preserving American heritage and opposing communism.
In the early 1970s, he moved with his family from Palmdale, California, to North Idaho, where he founded the Aryan Nations, a wing of the Church of Jesus Christ–Christian. The organization operated from a 20-acre property in Hayden Lake, Idaho.
Pastor Butler organized yearly gatherings at the Church of Jesus Christ Christian – Aryan Nations headquarters in Idaho which he termed the “Aryan Nations World Congress.” Thousands of people would attend including most of the well known leaders of the American far right, such as Klansman Louis Beam, White Aryan Resistance leader Tom Metzger, Gordon “Jack” Mohr, Robert E. Miles, Posse Comitatus leader James Wickstrom, Thomas Robb, Grand Wizard Don Black, and John Trochmann leader of the Militia of Montana.
Pastor Butler helped transforming our movement and leading it in the future that many of us are in today. Pastor Butler was a courageous and brave man. He preached the gospel of Yahweh our Yahshua until his final days. Pastor Butler helped and reached out to millions of our people to hear the Racial message of Truth. He will always be missed and a great example and role model to follow.
Yahweh Bless Pastor and Rest in peace. – AryanForYHWH