FAQ podcast from 2010

FAQ podcast done by Harold Covington in 2010, 12 years ago! this is probably the most important podcast we have regarding questions and answers for the Northwest Imperative. The reason we come across as somewhat sharp tongued at times and why we need you to find that old times authority to get organized now and get these foundations of an Ethnostate set in stone!
I have faith in you, my brothers and sisters, my family I have never met, my kinfolk, my race, you need to find it within yourself to start being small group leaders of something bigger than all of us, something that currently feels like just a dream and words on paper and the internet, but is actually happening in little towns and big cities all across the Pacific Northwest. I know we will secure the existence of our people and a future for White children, we must act on and embrace the authority we are capable of.
LISTEN to it! All volunteers, assets and supporters of the Northwest Front should know this by heart, no excuses, this should be muscle memory, like turning a doorknob to open a door. -ss