1.2.7 Phase Two: Political and Propaganda Activity In The Homeland

Serious mass propaganda and educational work among the native, Northwest-born White population, and also among organic migrants who are racially motivated but not fully racially aware, using teams of racial migrants as the movement’s initial activity units.
The Northwest Front must engage in massive, serious propaganda and missionary work in the Homeland itself, among native Northwesterners and organic migrants. We have to win local White people to our side, not fight them or antagonize them with strange behavior or appearance on our part. Local Whites are not the enemy, however cruelly brainwashed they may have been. How we handle relations with the native-born Whites will determine whether or not this entire effort succeeds.
We must always bear in mind that precisely because they have grown up in a more or less all-White environment, the native-born Northwesterners by and large do not understand what multiculturalism and diversity means for them in the long run. They honestly don’t get it, but thanks to the summer riots of 2020 and 2021, they are starting to and we must conduct the most massive public relations and propaganda effort in Movement history using every tool we have from web sites to participation in the local 4-H Club. We must let them know that we do not hate them, we are not conspiring against them, and we are their brothers and we will not allow them or ourselves to be victimized or run out of town. Through units and spokespeople we must seize on local issues and local concerns to make them understand that independence and freedom for the Northwest is in their interest as well as ours.
Above all, we ourselves must not engage in bizarre and dysfunctional behaviors, or display any outward physical appearance that will allow the established order to portray us to the native-born as “the Other.” The shaven heads and the tattoos and the petty hooliganism of the Skinhead scene are non-starters. The local people where we settle must understand that we are doing this for them and we are people like themselves, not “the Other” whom it is socially acceptable to stone; at the same time they must understand that we are here, we are here to stay, that more of us are coming, and that we will not be stopped—that White freedom is inevitable and in their best interest.