Voting doesn’t work.

We haven’t had a real and fair election in this country since probably FDR.
We know for sure that JFK was fraudulently elected, we all saw how Ron Paul was cheated out of the nomination and how Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him.
The colloquial definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We aren’t going to vote our way out of a planned genocide and make no mistake, the leaders of this country consider White Americans inconvenient, we are not compliant enough for their tastes. Even if we were given a real choice, if the two parties were somehow actual opposition to each other, the choice that would be of use to us would be unavailable.
“Remember the purpose of democracy is to PREVENT change” – HAC
And before you start with the “We’re a Republic not a Democracy” crap, no we aren’t. We are SUPPOSED to be, but words on paper aren’t important when the legal structure is your enemy.