The Flag of the Northwest American Republic

There is one idea we do need to begin propagating immediately among the population of the Northwest, and that is the general conscious and more importantly the subconscious recognition of a flag for the coming Homeland.
The Northwest Tricolor flag consists of three vertical bars of equal length, similar to the French, Irish, and Italian tricolors. Left to right, the bars are navy blue, white, and emerald green, with the blue bar to the flagstaff. They symbolize blue for the Northwest sky, green for the land, and white for the people who will dwell in between the two.
The flag of the new Northwest nation will become a symbol and a rallying point for the White race worldwide. It must be displayed, distributed, and publicized the world over until it becomes known as the modern day equivalent of the Confederate Battle Flag and the Hakenkreuzfahne as a generally recognized symbol of Aryan hope and courage in the face of racial death.
There is nothing stopping small groups or individuals from buying a cheap printer and A4 sticky paper to display our propaganda in places you see lost dog posters and small business advertising.
“Above all, the Party encouraged flag actions. One flag is worth a thousand words, once you can be sure that everyone in your community knows what that flag stands for. Once they know, people need to see it everywhere.
We had hundreds of Tricolors made up out of everything from crepe paper to plastic to silk, and we stuck them up everywhere, sometimes running full-size Tricolors up the flagpole at the post office and other buildings and steel-strapping the lanyards to make sure the flag stayed up for at least a couple of hours of daylight.
We had Tricolor stickers, with or without slogans, some just on gummed paper, some in vinyl with a kind of super-glue that Carter made up in his workshop that had to be sandblasted off wherever we slapped them up.
We made sure that blue, white, and green color scheme was imprinted in everybody’s mind: we had Tricolor stickers, business cards, leaflets and of course many cans of spray paint. Lest all this sound like kid stuff, you need to remember the times.
The things we did were good practice for future NVA operations, because they were plenty dangerous. Slip up on a sticker raid and you ended up in the same prison along with the comrade who shot a spic and with almost as much time on your sentence.” – Shane Ryan from “A Distant Thunder”