National Anthems And Racial European Nationalism

An interesting article on one of the Northwest Front social media groups popped up about a black National anthem at some negro sports event which struck me as kinda funny, considering that traditionally national anthems are closely associated with White colonialism, the founding and expansion of White civilizations. When White nations started applying music to their national identity the negroid was still jumping up and down in one spot, yelling incoherently and smacking sticks together.
Let’s take the most obvious clue first, if we look back at what national anthems are, we can see that national anthems are indeed racially White and Nationalist by design, due to the evidence of the anthems being a classical orchestra or a marching band.
Much in the same way, classical music is Nationalist and Eurocentric by nature. Its only historical mirror being European folk music that used a persons voice to produce a melody, also racially White. If we look at modern music it pretty much follows the trend of the social degeneration that we see in the failing modern world, the negro is still yelling incoherently and sadly, some misguided White folks have joined in.
Upon doing a little investigating into what this supposed black national anthem was, I found this image. Now I assume this is what the dusky lot are singing but I am not 100% sure, so if it is something different please by all means let me know.
After concluding about ten minutes of laughter reading this simple and repetitive limerick of sorts we can see that in this document there is no history or even identity… the monkoids are still jumping up and down in one spot, yelling incoherently.
National anthems are closely tied to the country’s flag, the people in that country and the principles that guide it. If we look back a little deeper we can see that national anthems stem from national identity as well… be it religion, political events or some natural event at that location.
When WE sing, we sing about the substance and history of a thing, a story of our achievements if you will. An event that has both meaning and importance to us.
These distinctions in classical music and national anthems were brought about in White nations across the globe, so national anthems and classical music are both distinctly racial. Each nation has its own style of classical music and exalted composers, but one would have to have a solid understanding of European history (not corrupted or subverted by the modern education system) to notice these subtle differences.
The word nation itself stems from the Latin “Natio” meaning to be born. Nation means race and so there is no Nationalism without racialism, no culture without a people who that culture could stem from. Race is the central component to everything one holds dear… be it music, art, family or principles.
Below I have put a link to the Northwest American Republic National Anthem depicted in the Northwest novels, the National Anthem we choose will be chosen by a convention or parliament of sorts when we secure the existence or our race and have the foundations of a nation of our own.
When you click on the link I don’t want you to just listen or read it, I would ask of you to look deeper into its meaning and its history.
– Nigel