Why Do You Use Such Ugly Language?
Jun 09, 2011 Harold discusses an Email about getting rid of abrasive racial stuff and cleaning up language, on RFN
Jun 09, 2011 Harold discusses an Email about getting rid of abrasive racial stuff and cleaning up language, on RFN
Heckler's Corner - What would you do if someone skipped to the NVA stage, on RFN
Harold discusses "Guerrilla Warfare 101" and comics for illiterates, on RFN Part 1 Part 2
Harold discusses an email from Arthur in Salt Lake City asking if the NF is a white movement or a...
Aug 15, 2013 Olivia discusses the slow march towards acceptance of pedophilia and buggery, on RFN
Harold discuss Prerequisites for implementing "The Plan" requires boots on the ground and funding, on RFN.
HAC reads the NVA General Orders from "The Brigade" on RFN
Harold discusses letting people know we are here but keeping our actions hidden from the feds, on RFN
Harold discusses no free handouts, Hogwarts, duty and what exactly is being offered in the Northwest and what you may...
Email from Mr. Simple on eugenics and alt-right concept of alpha male on RFN