Glossary of Northwest Acronyms and Terms from the novels and spoken by the Party.

This glossary applies to the five Northwest novels:

The Brigade, A Mighty Fortress, A Distant Thunder, The Hill of the Ravens and Freedom’s Sons.

Certain terms may not appear in all of the books.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God—Christian hymn written by Martin
Luther. The national anthem of the Northwest American Republic.

ASU – Active Service Unit. The basic building block of the NVA
paramilitary structure. Generally speaking, an active service unit was
any team or affinity group of Northwest Volunteers engaged in armed
struggle against the United States government. The largest active service
units during the War of Independence were the f lying columns (q.v.)
that moved across the countryside in open insurrection. These could
sometimes number as many as 75 or even 100 men. More usual was the
urban team or crew ranging from four or five to no more than a dozen
Volunteers. After a unit grew larger than seven or eight people, the
logistics of movement and supply and also the risk of betrayal reached
unacceptably high levels, and the cell would divide in two with each
half going its separate way. Command and coordination between the
units was often tenuous at best. The success and survival of an active
service unit was often a matter of the old Viking adage: “Luck often
enough will save a man, if his courage hold.”

Aztlan—A semi-autonomous province of Mexico consisting of the old
American states of southern and western Texas, Arizona, New Mexico,
Utah, parts of Colorado, and southern California, below a line roughly
parallel with the Mountain Gate border post.

BATFE—Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives bureau of
the United States Treasury Department. Used by the government
in Washington, D.C. to suppress many early right wing and racial nationalist groups and individuals. Unlike its more sophisticated
counterpart the FBI, BATFE seldom resorted to such things as bribery,
fabrication, or forgery to get convictions. All brawn and no brain,
BATFE simply smashed their way into the homes of dissidents such as
Kenyon Bellew and David Koresh and started shooting. Many of their
agents later became Fatties when the FATPO (q.v.) superceded the old
ATF organization at the beginning of the War of Independence. BATFE
was declared a criminal organization by Parliament and any surviving
members are subject to arrest, trial, and punishment if apprehended.

The Beast—Term similar in meaning to ZOG (q.v.) used initially by
Christian Identity people to describe the federal government of the
United States and the Zionist, liberal power structure in general. The
expression later came into more widespread use among the Northwest
American Republic’s non-CI population.

Break Bad—An incident or encounter between the NVA and federal
forces or other enemy agencies that turned violent.

Bremer Wall—Heavy concrete berm, portable and lowered into place
by a crane, used by the Americans to fortify police stations, federal
buildings, FATPO barracks, Green Zones, etc. Also used extensively by
American occupation forces in conquered Middle Eastern countries.

Brigade—In the paramilitary organization of the Northwest Volunteer
Army, a loose combination of all of the partisan units assigned to a
specific geographic area. In the larger cities of the Homeland such as
Seattle, Portland or Spokane there might be as many as two or three
brigades, each operating independently of the others, so that a single
catastrophic betrayal or federal assault could not wipe out the NVA
in that metropolitan area. A brigade could comprise as many as two
or three dozen active service units of various kinds and strengths,
including technical, supply, and support teams. Some of the smaller
brigades covering larger and more rural areas only had a few units. In
actual practice there was always an immense amount of confusion and
overlap in membership and function between units. As is the case with
any conflict, nothing about the War of Independence was ever as neatly
cut and dried as the Republic’s history books have portrayed.

BOSS—Bureau of State Security. The Northwest American Republic’s
political police. The mission of BOSS may be summed up simply in
the five words of its motto: “We will never go back.” In The Hill of the
Ravens Don Redmond summarizes that mission when he says, “The
revolution is forever. Our job is to make sure of that.”

CI—Christian Identity. By the time of the writing of The Hill of the
Ravens, the predominant Christian religious movement in the Republic.
The faith of Pastor Richard Butler, Robert Miles, and many others among
the founding fathers of the Northwest American Republic. The essence of
Christian Identity is the transfer of God’s Biblical covenant from the Jewish
people to the Gentile or Aryan peoples through the medium of the Christ’s
Passion and the Crucifixion. In most Christian Identity sects this transfer is
accompanied by a very complex (sometimes downright tortuous) theological construct whereby white people are alleged to be racial descendants of the Israelites of the Bible through the alleged wanderings of the Lost Tribes through Europe, Denmark being descended from the tribe of Dan, etc. However tenuous the historical and theological basis for Christian Identity, there can be no doubt of the spiritual strength and personal integrity that the CI faith imparts to its adherents. During the Time of Struggle and ever since, they have been the very backbone of the Northwest nation.

Centcom—During the War of Independence, Centcom was the central
command authority of the American occupation forces, consisting of
representatives from the executive and judicial branches of government,
the FBI, Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, etc.

Chug-Chug—Homemade mortar, often of unusual caliber, used by
the NVA to attack fortified federal positions and Green Zones.

Code Duello—The official protocols and procedures governing dueling
within the Republic, administered by the National Honor Court. The
purpose of the Code Duello is to make sure that the ultimate sanction
for personal misbehavior remains available to all the Republic’s citizens,
but only under very clear and formally recognized conditions. Ref. the
Old Man: “One of the problems under ZOG was that there was no
longer any penalty attached to being an asshole. There needs to be.”
Come Home—To immigrate to the Northwest American Republic.
Since the NAR is the Homeland of all Indo-European peoples, a white
immigrant is considered to have Come Home.

Daryl and His Other Brother Daryl—Defamatory term used by
certain white migrants to the Homeland during pre-revolutionary
times to denote white people born in rural areas of the Northwest.
Considered rude, boorish, and highly discouraged by the Party both
before and since the revolution.

DHS—Department of Homeland Security. One of the many
overlapping federal political police agencies created under Bush II
as part of the suspension of the United States Constitution and the
abrogation of American civil liberties that took place following the
events of September 11, 2001. The Department of Homeland Security
seems to have done little during the time of the revolution beyond
adding to the confusion.

DM—Drooling moron. Defamatory term used by certain white
migrants during the pre-revolutionary times to denote white people
born in rural areas of the Northwest Homeland. Always frowned upon
and discouraged by the Party. Several legal cases are now before the
National Honor Court to decide whether “DM” is to be considered a
killing word or not.

E & E—Escape and evasion. Associated with General Order Number
Eight, a.k.a. the “Feets Don’t Fail Me Now” order. When an operation
went bad, or when confronted with a federal ambush, extreme danger,
or overwhelming enemy numbers, every NVA Volunteer had a personal
escape and evasion plan, a series of refuges and safe houses to which
they would f lee and from which they would subsequently regroup.
The underlying rationale of General Order Number Eight was the
ancient one of all guerrilla forces: He who fights and runs away, lives to
fight another day.

E-Piece—Throwaway handgun used for close-in assassination work,
usually of small caliber and cheap manufacture, which could be discarded
afterwards without the loss of an expensive heavy-caliber weapon such
as a Glock or a Colt .44.

Ex Gladio Libertas—The motto of the Northwest Volunteer Army, and
later of the Northwest American Republic itself as an acknowledgement
of the origin of the state. Literally translated: Freedom comes from the

FATPO—Federal Anti-Terrorist Police Organization.  A body
of special auxiliary police officers recruited by the United States
government to suppress the revolution in the Pacific Northwest, after
the FBI and local authorities had clearly lost control and it was not
deemed politically expedient to use the regular military in a significant
role. FATPOs were mostly recruited from discharged members of the
United States military, local police departments, and from both sides
of the bars within the American empire’s immense prison system.
FATPOs were given a short but intensive training campaign at Fort
Bragg combining counterinsurgency, commando and SWAT-team
style tactics, along with heavy political indoctrination in diversity,
multiculturalism, etc. Nominally subject to the Department of
Homeland Security and the Justice Department, but in reality the
government in D.C. was far away, and a blind eye was turned. Local
FATPO commanders had a blank check and more or less operated
as independent warlords in their districts, above the law so long as
they produced a plentiful white body count. Discipline and control
from Centcom was patchy at best, accountability was nil, atrocities
frequent, media reporting of those atrocities almost non-existent,
and any serious military purpose or strategy quickly disappeared.
The FATPOs in short order became nothing more than gangs of
brutal gun thugs devoted to the bloody suppression of the NVA and
any white citizen of the Northwest whom they so much as suspected
might be sympathetic to the NVA. Strict policies of affirmative action
and mandatory diversity were applied, and at any given time the force
was only about 35 percent white and perhaps 25 percent white male.
There were an unknown but significant percentage of lesbian and
homosexual sadists who mainly operated in the intelligence units of
FATPO as interrogators, and who earned themselves a reputation as
some of the most cruel and vicious torturers in the history of human

FBI—Federal Bureau of Investigation. The American secret police.
Still extant, although now less involved in Northwest affairs than their
rivals of the Office of Northwest Recovery (q.v.) Declared a criminal
organization by Parliament after independence. Any member of the
FBI or anyone assisting the FBI is liable to arrest, trial, and punishment
under the laws of the Republic.

Flying Column—During the War of Independence, an independent
unit of partisans numbering from 30 to 100 Volunteers. These guerrilla
units were usually based in rural areas throughout the Pacific Northwest,
and operated in the countryside and small towns. They were highly
mobile and conducted operations against the American forces, against
the means of production, and cleared their operational areas of American
law enforcement, judicial, and governmental institutions to make way for
the Republic’s courts, police, and government. Because of the activities
of the f lying columns, the United States eventually lost control of the
countryside almost completely and could maintain its authority only in
the cities, and there only through repressive force. There were more than
thirty f lying columns during the course of the War of Independence.
The most famous among them were:

The Olympic Flying Column (Cmdt. Thomas J. Murdock);

The Port Townsend Flying Column (Cmdt. John C. Morgan);

the Hayden Lake Flying Column (Cmdt. O.C. Oglevy);

The Barbary Pirates (Arcata and Eureka, CA district, Cmdt. Phil McDevitt);

The Sawtooth Flying Column (Cmdt. Winston Wayne);

The Corvallis Flying Column (Cmdt. Billy Basquine);

The Montana Regulators (Cmdt. Jack Smith);

The Ellensburg Flying Column (Cmdt. David “Bloody Dave” Leach).

Go (Going) First—Similar to taking the gap in many ways but those that are going first are the parties best, the Class A Individuals commonly of a national socialist background that have the discipline and drive to build a homeland and teach/lead others of different ideals later on and have migrated too something without running away from something, the ones that don’t piss about, these are the men, women and family’s that are coming home

Goots—Derogatory and defamatory term used by native-born white
people in the Northwest for racially conscious Aryan settlers who came
into the Homeland during pre-revolutionary times. Origin unknown
but possibly originated with Seattle disc jockey Ray Sheckstein.

Green Zone—Heavily fortified and secured federal or military
headquarters area, sometimes encompassing several square miles. Green
Zones were used as bases of operations and administration for American
occupation forces in the Middle East and in the Pacific Northwest.

GUBU—Grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre, unprecedented. Slang term
used to describe most activities of the Aryan resistance movement prior
to the advent of the Northwest Migration concept, and regrettably for
some time after that as well.

Gun Bunny—Adolescent female Northwest Volunteer or associate
of the NVA. A number of these young women distinguished
themselves in combat, intelligence, and support roles during the War
of Independence.

GW—Kinetic energy firearms named after the renowned Texas
gunsmith and engineer Gary Wilkerson, who invented a kinetic energy
plate whereby the bullet is not propelled by a gunpowder-charged
cartridge, but by a small kinetic energy charge from a metal power grid
in the receiving group or bolt assembly of the weapon. Wilkerson KE
technology is the basis for most NDF (q.v.) small arms.

Hats or Hat Squad—Semi-derogatory, pre-revolutionary term used
by native-born white Northwesterners for Aryan settlers who answered
the Old Man’s call for migration. Refers to the eventual adoption of the
fedora hat as the badge or insignia for Northwest settlers, at first of the
Christian Identity faith, then later on the practice spread to migrants
of all faiths.

It Takes A Village—Slang term for the Federal Child Protection and
Welfare Act, passed during the first term of President Hillary Clinton.
Basically, a form of legalized kidnapping of white children for purposes
of social engineering and federal revenue enhancement. The name
comes from a book written in the 1990s by Ms. Clinton when she was
co-president. Based on the precedent of the Elian Gonzales case of
2000, the act gave the federal government the power to obtain legal
custody over any child deemed to be “at risk” from any “undesirable
or inappropriate home environment,” terms which could, of course,
mean whatever the local U.S. Attorney said they meant, and then place
such children elsewhere. In actual practice the act was used to take
advantage of the scarcity of healthy white infants and young children
available for adoption by the wealthy, due to the declining white birth
rate in the early 21 st century. The only children deemed to be at risk
under the act were white, from poor or politically incorrect families.
Placement involved an adoption bond from the adopting parents, which
could range from $100,000 for older children to as high as a million
dollars for a healthy, blonde-haired and blue-or-green-eyed female

Longview Conference—The conference wherein the United States
agreed to withdraw from the areas of the Northwest Homeland deemed
to be “administratively untenable,” i.e. effectively under NVA control.
At that point in time this consisted of the states of Idaho, Oregon,
Washington, parts of western Montana, and most of Wyoming.

NAR—Northwest American Republic. Nation established as a
worldwide home for all persons of unmixed Aryan, that is to say white,
non-Semitic, European descent. The Northwest American Republic
presently consists of the entire states of Idaho, Oregon, Washington,
and Wyoming as well as hefty chunks of northern California, western
Montana, Alberta, and British Columbia.

National Socialism—The racial and political world view (Weltanschaung
in German) of the philosopher, soldier, and statesman Adolf Hitler

NAXALT — Not All (X) Are Like That.The mistaken, dangerously moronic and harmful belief that because you can name someone who is “not like that”, an outlier, based nigger, good jew, nationalist politician ect ect.. it nullifies the fact that the majority is in fact, harmful to our race and our children.

NBA—Northwest Broadcasting Authority. State body in charge of
all broadcast communications and entertainment in the Northwest
American Republic.

NDF—Northwest Defense Force. The combined land, sea, air and
space commands of the NAR military. All male citizens of the Republic
are required to serve in the NDF for a minimum of two years of active
duty plus reserve requirements up until age 50.

NLS—National Labor Service. There is no welfare as such in the
Northwest American Republic. Neither is there any unemployment.
If no private sector jobs are available in a particular field or locality,
the Labor Service steps in to provide employment, usually on public
works of various kinds. Many Northwest workers choose to work for
the NLS voluntarily.

NVA—Northwest Volunteer Army. Formed on October 22nd in
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in response to the murder of the Singer family.
Predecessor to the NDF.

OBA—Old Believers Association. The official NAR organization of
non-Christian religious groups including Asatru, the proto-NS Nordic
Faith Movement, and some elements of Wicca and Druidic cultism.

Old Man—Early advocate of Northwest Migration and independence.
Helped found the Party (q.v.) and served as a convenient figurehead
for the independence movement during the War of Independence,
although he always considered his role in the revolution to be greatly
exaggerated. Served two terms as State President and was able to stabilize
and consolidate the gains of the revolution, but was effectively removed
from power by President Patrick Brennan and the Pragmatic Tendency
in Parliament because he was thought to be a dangerously radical relic
of the past. Served for many years President Emeritus of the Northwest
Republic and living in seclusion. Suffers from dementia praecox due to
his advanced age and is generally confused and incoherent. Has issues
with ducks. [See The Hill of the Ravens.]

ONR—The United States Office of Northwest Recovery. Covert
agency of the United States government devoted to the long-term goal
of returning the Northwest Republic to the United States and Canada
respectively. Regularly conducts assassinations, sabotage, and other
subversive activities within the Northwest American Republic.

On the Bounce—NVA slang term for being on the run from the
American police and military.

Operation Strikeout—Twelve years after the Longview Conference
the United States and Canada, in conjunction with the United Nations,
launched what they believed to be a surprise attack against the Northwest
Republic, intending to re-conquer the Pacific Northwest and return
the Homeland to American imperial rule. Due to superior intelligence
on the part of BOSS (q.v.) and the War Prevention Bureau (q.v.) the
attack was not the surprise that the Pentagon thought it would be. The
Americans and Canadians were decisively defeated in a campaign lasting
46 days and large sections of northern California, Alberta, British
Columbia and Alaska were added to the Republic’s territory.

Organic Migrants – Whites from other parts of the country who have recently relocated to the Northwest for pretty much the same racial reasons that we have, but who are still inhibited by a lifetime of social conditioning and partially brainwashed by democracy, and who would cut off their own bodily organs rather than admit to this fact in public. Many White people in the Northwest will have come from California, the first state to become majority non-White. They left to find a Whiter, brighter world, but every cultural and economic survival skill they possess will urge them never to admit to their own racial motivations.

The Party—The fighting revolutionary Party of Northwest
independence founded by the Old Man, once a sufficient number
of racially aware migrants had arrived in the Homeland to effect the
socio-political demographic change necessary to make such a Party
feasible. Although the Party was comprised mostly of people who were
native-born in the Northwest, it was made possible by the inf lux of
racially aware migrants who listened to the Old Man’s call and heeded
it. Based upon the principles of National Socialism as expressed in the
Cotswolds Declaration of 1962 and the Ten Principles of National
Socialist Thought, yet offering a broad program of tolerance and
participation for all Aryan religious and political tendencies, the Party
provided the political leadership for the revolution, while the NVA
provided the military capability.

PLE’s.— Pioneer Little Europe. Taking over a small town or little compound plan.

Resurrection Shuffle—NVA term for going on the run, evading the
Federal forces.

Rockwell, Commander George Lincoln (1918-1967)—American
National Socialist leader. Founder of the American Nazi Party and the
World Union of National Socialists.

Senior Citizens’ Quality of Life Act—Passed during Hillary
Clinton’s second term as president. Allowed the euthanasia of elderly
people in hospitals and nursing homes who, in the opinion of their
physician, were “unlikely ever to achieve any quality of life or ability to
live unassisted.” The physician was required to consult with the senior’s
family before administering the fatal injection of sodium pentothal, or
“hot shot,” but these very broad parameters led to widespread abuse
by physicians who wanted to lighten their workloads or who were
susceptible to bribes from family members, and by families anxious to
gain inheritance and insurance benefits. The vast majority of elderly
people thus legally euthanized were white.

Shock and Awe—A customary tactic for NVA partisans lying in wait
to ambush federal troops, police, news media, or other enemy personnel.
The concealed Volunteers would suddenly explode in a precisely
aimed, concentrated hail of gunfire on full automatic or other rapid
fire technique, using armor piercing bullets, rocket propelled grenades
(RPGs) etc. The object was to inf lict as much damage as possible in
the opening seconds of an encounter, disorienting and disabling enemy
reaction, before a rapid withdrawal under cover of smoke grenades or
other stratagems. Also known as the Mad Minute.

Spuckies—Derogatory and defamatory term used by local white
people in the Northwest to denote racially conscious white settlers
who came into the Homeland during pre-revolutionary times. Origin
of this term unknown.

SS—Special Service. The NAR and the Party’s élite military formation.
Drawn from the top achievers of all the NDF branches, with naval, air,
and space mobile wings. Highly trained and equipped with the most
advanced equipment, the SS deliberately follows the traditions of its
historic namesake of the Third Reich. The corps seeks to erase all
differences and divisions of class, religion, and nationality, creating a
true Aryan band of brothers. For this purpose, extensive political and
racial education based on the principles of National Socialism is part
and parcel of SS training and qualification.

Stukach—A Russian term meaning informer, dating from the time
of Stalin and the hideous purges of the 1930s. How exactly this term
entered the lexicon of the Northwest American Republic is not certain.
When applied to the family or person of a citizen, it is considered the
ultimate insult, along with the words whigger and attorney. All three are
considered to be killing words, i.e. prima facie casus belli under the law
of the Republic for a duel to the death if the parties involved cannot be
reconciled by formal procedures under the Code Duello.

Take The Gap—Broadly speaking, to Come Home. To immigrate
to the Northwest American Republic. In practice, to “take the gap”
generally connotes an illegal entry into the Homeland from the United
States, Aztlan, Canada, or sometimes by air. “Taking the gap” often
involves physically running the border under gunfire and pursuit.

Tickle—An operation of the Northwest Volunteer Army against a
federal or Zionist target.

Third Section (Threesec)—Intelligence, counterintelligence,
security and special operations department of the Party prior to 10/22
and during the War of Independence. Created by Matt Redmond,
who served as Threesec’s first director until his death. Organizational
ancestor of both BOSS (q.v.) and War Prevention Bureau (q.v.).

Volunteer—A male or female soldier of the Northwest Volunteer

Whigger—“White nigger.” A defamatory term for whites during
the pre-revolutionary time who aped the mannerisms, behavior, and
subculture of blacks. Considered to be a killing word in the NAR, i.e.
sufficient casus belli for a duel to the death if no compromise can be
reached between the parties involved.

Whizz-Bang—Homemade rocket used by the NVA to attack fortified

Woodchuck—Originally a term with defamatory and derogatory
connotations used by Aryan settlers in the Homeland to denote those
born in the Northwest, especially in rural areas. Now transmuted and
claimed as a proud and honorable designation by those born in the

WPB—The NAR’s War Prevention Bureau. A covert agency designed
to prevent the necessary military, political, and psychological conditions
from developing within the United States, Aztlan, or anywhere else
that might lead to an existential military threat to the existence of the
Northwest Republic, through the use of targeted assassination and
other black ops. The WPB is also responsible for tracking down and
liquidating spies and traitors to the Northwest Republic, including
informers and traitors from the time of the War of Independence. Their
motto in German is “Alles bekennings wird abgerechnet.” (Translation: “All accounts will be settled.”)

YMWNBTTOTB – Young Men With Nothing But The T-Shirts On Their Backs. Self explainatory.

ZOG—Zionist Occupation Government. Term originally created
by the obscure National Socialist writer Eric Thomson in the 1970s.
Strictly construed, ZOG means the federal government of the United
States. In actual usage it is a much more all-embracing term meaning
the System, the Establishment, the generic “them” used by oppressed
peoples to denote the federal tyrant.